“As a survivor of the gay conversion movement, it feels amazing to know that our experiences are being heard nationally and that there is finally research that confirms the prevalence and damage of the gay conversion movement in Australia… The messaging of the movement that told me that I was “broken” has caused long-term damage…Continue reading Welcoming but not Affirming: Getting to the Slippery Truth
Tag: Inside Ex-gay
In a World of Blind Privilege and Exclusion – Be a Mama Tammye
“I am on this planet, not for myself, but for the betterment of humanity” – Mamma Tammye (Queer Eye SO2, EO1) It started a few weeks ago. The texts, that is … “Have you started Queer Eye Season 2? OMG!!!” “Ok – STOP what you are doing and watch Queer Eye Season 2, Episode…Continue reading In a World of Blind Privilege and Exclusion – Be a Mama Tammye
Katecia’s Story: Resilience, Courage and Grace
I met Katecia (Teash) a couple of years ago. Over time we began chatting and I had the privilege of listening to some of her story of courage, resilience and quiet grace. Today I would like to thank Teash for making time to share some of her life experience for this BLOG post. I have…Continue reading Katecia’s Story: Resilience, Courage and Grace
Joy and the Narrow Path
This post is dedicated to the LGBTI community who were and are a prophetic voice in my life – I am forever grateful. On the 15th April it was two years since Dean Beck, Nathan Despott and I sat down at the Joy FM Radio station and recorded an interview to discuss the damage done to LGBTI…Continue reading Joy and the Narrow Path