Life Atlas Therapy and the Reclaiming of Precious Memories (Part 2)

“There are, of course, many forms of memory, some of which are constructive, some of which are destructive and some of which are redemptive.” -Fr. Michael Lapsley (The Healing of Memories: An Interview) Dear Reader – if you have not already done so, please read Part 1 of this BLOG post in order to understand…Continue reading Life Atlas Therapy and the Reclaiming of Precious Memories (Part 2)

Dismantling Our Ivory Towers One Human Story At A Time

“Each member (of society) must be ever attentive to his social surroundings – they must avoid shutting themselves up in their own peculiar character as a philosopher in their ivory tower.” Frederick Rothwell (H.L. Bergson’s Laughter, 1911) For anyone who has ever attempted to learn a new language, you may have found that exercise both…Continue reading Dismantling Our Ivory Towers One Human Story At A Time