Those Terrifying Liminal Spaces: Reflections on Not Knowing

Last week Tim Carson provided an excellent guest blog on Psalm 139: Treasures of Darkness – I thought this blog from 2015 would add to the conversation. “This is the ultimate knowledge of God, to know that we do not know” – Thomas Aquinas   I was slowly dying on the inside. The many faith…Continue reading Those Terrifying Liminal Spaces: Reflections on Not Knowing

Dismantling Our Ivory Towers One Human Story At A Time

“Each member (of society) must be ever attentive to his social surroundings – they must avoid shutting themselves up in their own peculiar character as a philosopher in their ivory tower.” Frederick Rothwell (H.L. Bergson’s Laughter, 1911) For anyone who has ever attempted to learn a new language, you may have found that exercise both…Continue reading Dismantling Our Ivory Towers One Human Story At A Time